Grade 2 Unit 3 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 19.3

Directions: Have students answer the questions. © 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 3 127


  1. What is the setting of “Jump!”?
    A. The setting is on a lawn.
    B. The setting is on a playground.
    C. The setting is in a graveyard.
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  2. What is the name of the jump rope team?
    A. The name of the team is the Jumping Beans.
    B. The name of the team is the Joking Stars.
    C. The name of the team is the Jumping Stars.
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  3. What makes jumping rope a sport?
    A. The team performs jokes.
    B. The team performs plays.
    C. The team performs tricks.
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  4. How fast is the jump rope spinning?
    A. The rope does not spin too fast so the team can do tricks.
    B. The rope spins so fast you can hardly see it.
    C. The rope spins as fast as a tree falling.
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