Grade 2 Unit 3 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 21.2

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 3^135

The Big Storm
Last winter, we got stuck in a big ice storm. The sleet
started to come down at noon. When Mom and Dad
picked me up at three, sleet was on the ground and on the
We started to drive home. That was when things got
exciting. The sleet started coming down harder and harder.
It got deeper and deeper. The car started slipping and
sliding. I was scared. Dad had to creep along and so did
lots of other cars. Then, the cars stopped and there was a
big traffic jam. Mom got out and looked down the road to
see if cars were moving at all. No one was moving!
We had just passed the road to my granddad’s house.
Mom called my granddad and asked if we could come and
visit. He said we could. So Dad drove to my granddad’s
house. It took us a long time to get there. There was so
much ice that we couldn’t see the road! We ended up
sleeping at my granddad’s house and waiting until the state
trucks came and plowed the roads. We had fun being iced
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