Grade 2 Unit 3 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 25.2

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 3^163

The Splash Artist

  1. Why is Jethro Otter called The Splash Artist?
    A. He can make a big splash.
    B. He can paint splashes.
    C. He can target his splashes.

  2. Who named Jethro The Splash Artist?
    A. Jethro’s mom named him The Splash Artist.
    B. Jethro’s sisters named him The Splash Artist.
    C. Jethro’s dad named him The Splash Artist.

  3. What did Jethro’s dad do while Jethro was getting on his swim
    A. Dad pointed out the pool to Mark Deeds.
    B. Dad pointed out the house to Mark Deeds.
    C. Dad pointed out the garden and yard to Mark Deeds.

  4. Why were the green peppers wilted?
    A. The green peppers were wilted because it had been hot.
    B. The green peppers were wilted because it had been cool.
    C. The green peppers were wilted because it was winter.

Directions: Read the story and answer the questions.
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