Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

82 Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 4B | Arachne the Weaver

Adjective Reference Chart for Teachers
Adjectives That Describe Appearance
gigantic tiny
long short
round fl at
shiny dull
smooth wrinkled
straight crooked
tall short
wet dry
young old
Note: The purpose of these syntactic activities is to help students
understand the direct connection between grammatical structures
and the meaning of text. These syntactic activities should be used in
conjunction with the complex text presented in the read-alouds. There
may be variations in the sentences created by your class. Allow for these
variations and restate students’ sentences so that they are grammatical.
Directions: We will learn about a special kind of word called an adjective.
We use adjectives when we speak and write to give more information about
a noun. Adjectives help what we say and write come to life. Today we will
talk about adjectives that describe the appearance of people and things.

  1. [Show Greek Gods Poster 7 (Athena).] In today’s myth you met Athena,
    the goddess of handicrafts. With your partner think of three adjectives
    you could use to describe how Athena looks in this poster. Use this
    sentence frame: “Athena is .” [Call on several partner pairs to
    share. You may wish to write down the adjectives on the board.]
     Show image 4A-2: Athena transformed into an old woman

  2. [Point to the old woman with a cane.] In today’s myth Athena disguised
    herself as someone else. With your partner think of three adjectives
    you could use to describe how Athena looks in this image. Use this
    sentence frame: “Athena is .” [Call on several partner pairs to
    share. You may wish to write down the adjectives on the board.]

  3. [Give each student an index card.] I will give each partner pair a set
    of opposite adjectives. Talk to your partner about how your adjectives
    are opposite. Then decide who will write or draw which adjective on
    their index card. Later I will collect all your cards and we can play an
    opposites matching game with the cards you have created.

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