Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 277
5B-2 Name
- , King Minos sends a ship with black sails to Athens.
, King Minos’s son dies in Athens.
- , Theseus meets his father.
Theseus convinces his father to let him go on the ship
with black sails.
, Theseus uses gold thread to fi nd his way back to the
gate of the Labyrinth.
Princess Ariadne asks Daedalus how Theseus can
escape from the Labyrinth.
, Theseus forgets to change the sails on the ship from
black to white.
, King Aegeus falls into the sea.
Directions: Listen to each pair of sentences as your teacher reads them. Write
on the blank before the sentence
that happened fi
rst in the story, and write
on the blank before the sentence that happens second in the story.