Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2A | Prometheus and Pandora 39

 Show image 2A-7: Curious Pandora coming down to Earth with a sealed box

Ask students who else they think will be in this myth based on its
title. Ask students what they notice about the image. Tell students to
listen carefully to the myth to hear if Pandora is mortal or immortal.

Vocabulary Preview 5 minutes

  1. In today’s read-aloud you will hear that the gods created the
    fi rst mortal woman.

  2. Say the word mortal with me three times.

  3. Mortal means a human being.

  4. The ancient Greeks believed that the gods created and took
    care of the mortals living on Earth.

  5. You can add im– to the beginning of the word mortal to make
    the word immortal. Immortal is the opposite, or the antonym,
    of mortal. What do you think immortal means? (someone who
    lives forever and never dies)
    [You may wish to share other words with the prefi x im– (e.g.,
    impolite, impatient, impossible, imperfect).]

  6. In today’s myth you will hear about a box that contains all the
    terrifying things of the world.

  7. Say the word terrifying with me three times.

  8. Terrifying means frightening. When something is terrifying, it
    can make you very, very scared. [Make a terrifi ed face and
    have students do the same.]

  9. Alessandro thinks spiders and snakes are terrifying.

  10. [Give each students an index card. Later students will place
    their cards into a box.] Write or draw one thing you think is
    terrifying. Tell your partner about it. Use the sentence frame:
    “ is terrifying.”

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