Grade 2 - Greek Myths

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Greek Myths: Supplemental Guide 2B | Prometheus and Pandora 47

Note: Extensions may have activity options that exceed the time
allocated for this part of the lesson. To remain within the time
periods allocated for this portion of the lesson, you will need to
make conscious choices about which activities to include based
on the needs of your students.

Extensions 20 minutes

 Sequencing the Read-Aloud (Instructional Master 2B-1) 15 minutes
Materials: blank sheet of paper; scissors; glue or tape
Tell students that they should review the images on Instructional
Master 2B-1 carefully to determine what event is depicted in each
image. Then they should cut out the six images and glue or tape
them, in the proper sequence, on a blank sheet of paper.

Greek Myths Journal (Instructional Master 2B-2) 15 minutes

  • Tell students that this page of their journal will be about the
    Greek myth “Prometheus and Pandora.”

  • Show students Instructional Master 2B-2. Have students
    describe what they see in the illustrations. Have students share
    about the characters in this myth.

  • Read the title line together “Prometheus and Pandora.” Then
    have students write two or three sentences about this myth.

  • Students may draw a picture about their sentences on the back
    of the page.

  • Allow time for students to share their journal entries with a
    partner or with their home-language peers.

PPrometheus and Pandorarometheus and Pandora

2 B

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