Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 145
Demonstrate familiarity with the folktale, “The Tiger, the Brahman, and
the Jackal”
Describe the characters, plot, and setting of the folktale, “The Tiger,
the Brahman, and the Jackal”
Identify trickster tales as a type of fiction
Demonstrate familiarity with the poem, “The Blind Men and the
Describe the characters, plot, and setting of the poem, “The Blind
Men and the Elephant”
Student Performance Task Assessment
The Early Indian Civilization (Instructional Master PP-1)
Distribute a copy of PP-1 to each student. Review with students
the headings in each of the rows: Cities, Jobs, Leaders, Writing,
and Religion. Ask students to cut and paste images from the
image sheet to match each component of a civilization. Then ask
students to write a phrase or sentence with information about
early Indian civilization in each of the fi ve rows.
➶ Above and Beyond: Writing Prompts
Students may be given an additional writing prompt such as the
- The Indus River was important because...
- The Ganges River is important because...
- Some things I wonder about Hinduism are...
- Buddhism started with...
- If I could visit India...
Image Review
Show the Flip Book images from any read-aloud again, and have
students retell the read-aloud using the images.