Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activities 275
Chinese Clock
Materials: Instructional Master CA-1; clock; construction paper;
scissors; drawing tools; paper fasteners
If you have a clock in your classroom, point it out to students. If you do
not have one, bring one in to show to students. Ask students how many
numbers are on the clock. (twelve) Tell students that today they are going
to make their own clock, but that they will write the numbers on their
clock using the Chinese writing system. Have students cut out a large
circle from their sheets of construction paper. Tell students to save the
scraps. Then have students use Instructional Master CA-1 as a guide for
their numbers. After students have written their numbers on their clocks,
instruct them to cut out two clock hands, one short and one long, from
their paper scraps. Tell students that they may color these scraps if they
choose. Then have each student use a paper fastener to attach the clock
hands to their clocks.
➶ Above and Beyond: Writing Prompts
Students may be given an additional writing prompt such as the
- If I had a magic paintbrush...
- The Yellow River was important because...
- The Yangtze River was important because...
- If I could visit China...
- My happy wish for the Chinese New Year would be...