Grade 2 - Early Asian Civilizations

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Early Asian Civilizations: Supplemental Guide 2 | The Indus River Valley, Part II 43

At a Glance Exercise Materials Minutes

Introducing the Read-Aloud

What Have We Learned?

image 1A-11;
Response Card 1;
world map
Meet Sanjay 15
Vocabular y Preview: Exchanges,
Purpose for Listening

Presenting the Read-Aloud The Indus River Valley, Part II examples or samples of different types of grains 15

Discussing the Read-Aloud

Comprehension Questions
Word Work: Source
 Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day


Map Quest brown, blue, and red crayonsInstructional Master 2B-1;
Early Asian Civilizations Chart Instructional Masters 2B-2, 2B-3; Image Cards 1–3

Advance Preparation
For Presenting the Read-Aloud, bring in examples or samples of different
kinds of grains (e.g., wheat, corn, rye, oats).
Note: Be sure to check with your school’s policy regarding food
distribution and allergies.
For Map Quest, on a large piece of blank chart paper, make a classroom
map of Asia by drawing a simple outline of the continent of Asia, with
country borders for China and ancient India (made up of present-day
countries of Pakistan and India).
Note: Only draw the outline of the countries. Do not fill in the map;
you will fill in the features as they are addressed in the lessons.
Prepare a piece of blue construction paper cut into the shape of the
Indus River. [Use Instructional Master 2B-1 as a guide.]
Make a copy of Instructional Master 2B-1 for each student. Refer to it as
their Map Quest map of Asia. Students will fill in their maps as you fill in
the classroom map you have created.
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