Kindergarder Unit 8 - Workbook

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Name 11.2

© 2013 Core Knowledge FoundationUnit 7^41

Student Record Sheet – Reading Words with Consonant Digraphsword. Note: The number in parentheses represents the number of points/sounds in each

  1. Wordthen /th/ /e/ /n/ Total Phonemes Correct(3)
    3.2. pathchin /ch//p/ /a//i/ /th//n/ (3)(3)
    5.4. thrashlunch /th//l/ /u//r/ /n//a/ /ch//sh/ (4)(4)
    6.7. quiltsring /qu//r/ /i//i/ /ng//l/ /t/ /s/ (3)(5)
    9.8. songshut /sh//s/ /u//o/ /ng//t/ (3)(3)

  2. quiz /qu/Initial Digraphs /6/i/ /z/ Final Digraphs /5 Total Correct /34(3)

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