92 Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point
Note to Teacher
You should pause here and spend one day reviewing, reinforcing, or
extending the material taught thus far.
You may have students do any combination of the activities listed below,
but it is highly recommended that you use the Mid-Domain Student
Performance Task Assessment to assess students’ knowledge of
Presidents and American Symbols. The other activities may be done in
any order. You may also choose to do an activity with the whole class
or with a small group of students who would benefi t from the particular
Core Content Objectives Up to This Pausing Point
Students will:
Identify the American fl ag
Recall that Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States
Name the current president of the United States
Recall that Washington, D.C., is the city in which the current U.S.
president lives and that the White House is the president’s home
Describe the differences between a president and a king
Identify George Washington as someone admired for his honesty
Identify the cherry tree story as a legend
Recall that George Washington was a clever general and explain why
Identify George Washington as the fi rst president of the United
Explain why George Washington is known as the “Father of Our Country”
Identify Thomas Jefferson as the third president of the United States
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