94 Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point
Image Review
Show the Flip Book images from any read-aloud, again and have
students retell the read-aloud using the images. Encourage students to
use domain-related vocabulary as they describe the images.
Image Card Review
Materials: Image Cards 1–13
In your hand, hold Image Cards 1–13 fanned out like a deck of cards. Ask
a student to choose a card but to not show it to anyone else in the class.
The student must then perform an action or give a clue about the picture
s/he is holding. For example, for the White House, a student may pretend
to be a president or a member of the president’s family who lives in the
White House, or a person visiting the White House. The rest of the class
will guess what place is being described. Proceed to another card when
the correct answer has been given.
Presidents Timeline
Materials: T imeline (see Introduction for example of a completed
Invite students to identify George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the
current president on the timeline. Discuss where each president falls on
the timeline. Talk about which presidents were from a long time ago and
which president is from the present day.
Domain-Related Trade Book or Student Choice
Materials: Trade book
Read an additional trade book to review a particular president, symbol, or
event; refer to the books listed in the Introduction. You may also choose
to have the students select a read-aloud to be heard again.