124 Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 7B | Te d d y Ro o s eve l t
Use an Opposites activity for follow-up. Directions: The opposite of
conserving is wasting. If what I say is an example of conserving, say,
“That is conserving.” If what I say is an example of wasting, say, “That
is wasting.” Try to include what is being conserved or wasted in your
- The boy turns off the water while he is brushing his teeth.
- That is conserving. (water)
- The student uses only the amount of paper that he needs, so he will
have some paper left over.- That is conserving. (paper)
- He leaves the lights, computer, and television on when he is not using
them.- That is wasting. (electricity)
- The soccer player rests before the game so she will have more energy
when she plays.- That is conserving. (energy)
- Someone throws away the sandwich that they didn’t eat for lunch.
- That is wasting. (food)
End-of-Lesson Check-In
Important Presidents
- Choose four students to focus on and record their scores on the Tens
Recording Chart. For this kind of informal observation, you should
give a score of zero, five, or ten based on your evaluation of students’
understanding and language use.
0 Emergent understanding and language use
5 Developing understanding and language use
10 Proficient understanding and language use - Distribute Response Cards 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- Tell students that you will state a fact about one of the important
presidents they have learned about: George Washington, Thomas
Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, or Teddy Roosevelt. Tell students to hold
up the correct Response Card of the president your fact is about.
- He was the first president of the United States.
- George Washington (Response Card 1)