Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

144 Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 9A | Carving Mount Rushmore

 Show image 9A-3: The Black Hills and Borglum

  • Explain that Mount Rushmore was carved by an American sculptor—
    or artist—named Gutzon Borglum (GUHT-son BAWR-glum).
    Tell students that in today’s read-aloud, they will hear how Borglum
    carved the faces of the four presidents onto this huge rock mountain.

  • Teach students the following song, sung to the tune of “I’m a Little
    Te a p ot ”:
    On the Mount Rushmore
    Carved out of rock:
    Jefferson, Lincoln,
    Four of the U.S. presidents.

Vocabular y Preview

  1. In today’s read-aloud, you will hear about Gutzon Borglum (GUHT-son
    BAWR-glum), a well-known American sculptor.

  2. Say the word sculptor with me three times.

  3. A sculptor is someone who creates a work of art by carving wood or
    stone or molding clay.
    [If available, show examples of carved items.]

  4. The sculptor made a statue of a black bear carved out of wood.

  5. If you were a sculptor, what would you make?
    Would you use wood, stone, or clay?

  6. In today’s read-aloud you will hear about a very big monument of four
    presidents you have been learning about.

  7. Say the word monument with me three times.

  8. A monument is a large structure, such as a statue or building, made
    to remember and honor a person or event.

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