26 Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 1A | The Home of the President: Washington, D.C.
When you go to the top of the tower, you can see all of Washington,
Show image 1A-11: Pledging to the flag
You don’t have to go to Washington, D.C., to appreciate our country
and its leaders. Every time you say the Pledge of Allegiance, you can
let everyone around you know that you are proud to be a part of our
[Ask students to stand and face a flag in your classroom. If no flag is available,
show image 1A-1.]
Let’s say the Pledge of Allegiance together:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and
to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all.”
Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes
Comprehension Questions
If students have difficulty responding to questions, reread pertinent lines
of the read-aloud and/or refer to specific images. If students give one-
word answers and/or fail to use read-aloud or domain vocabulary in their
responses, acknowledge correct responses by expanding the students’
responses using richer and more complex language. Encourage students
to answer in complete sentences. Model answers using complete
sentences for students.
- Literal Which city is today’s read-aloud about?
- Today’s read-aloud is about Washington, D.C.
Why is this city important? - Washington, D.C., is important because it is the capital of the United
States. It is where the president lives and where important decisions for
the country are made.
Show image 1A-1: American flag
- Today’s read-aloud is about Washington, D.C.
- Literal What is this?
- It is the American flag.
What is it a symbol of?