Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 3 | A Clever General 47
AA Clever General Clever General
Lesson Objectives
Core Content Objectives
Students will:
Recall that George Washington was a clever general and explain why
Language Arts Objectives
The following language arts objectives are addressed in this lesson.
Objectives aligning with the Common Core State Standards are noted
with the corresponding standard in parentheses. Refer to the Alignment
Chart for additional standards addressed in all lessons in this domain.
Students will:
With prompting and support, explain the connection between the
title of the read-aloud, “A Clever General,” and George Washington’s
actions (RI.K.3)
With prompting and support, identify facts given in the read-aloud
that show General Washington was clever (RI.K.8)
Use frequently occurring prepositions—toward and away (L.K.1e)
Identify new meanings for the word line and apply them accurately
Identify real-life connections between words—general, colonel, clever,
and convince—and their use (L.K.5c)
Core Vocabulary
captured, v. Took control of; trapped
Example: She captured the frog with a jar, but then she let it go.
Variation(s): capture, captures, capturing
clever, adj. Smart
Example: Before George Washington became president, he was the
clever leader of the American army.
Variation(s): cleverer, cleverest