Kindergarden Read - Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Presidents and American Symbols: Supplemental Guide 4A | George Washington: The “Father of Our Country” 71

Did his soldiers want to stop fighting?

  • Yes, his soldiers wanted to stop fighting.

  1. Inferential Why were Washington’s soldiers upset?

  • The soldiers were upset because they missed their families, and they
    had not been paid for a long time.

  1. Inferential How did seeing George Washington use his spectacles
    convince his soldiers to agree with him?

  • The soldiers saw how Washington had worn himself out and became
    old fighting for their freedom. They felt ashamed and realized that they
    should stay and work together with Washington.

  1. Literal Who did the American people choose to be the first president
    of the United States? [Have students point to the portrait of President
    George Washington on Response Card 1.]

  • They chose George Washington to be the first president of the United
    [Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students, as
    necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]
    I am going to ask a question. I will give you a minute to think about the
    question, and then I will ask you to turn to your partner and discuss the
    question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share what you discussed
    with your partner.

  1. Evaluative Think Pair Share: George Washington is known as the
    “Father of Our Country.” Why do you think people call him the “Father
    of Our Country”?
    Note: Remind students that George Washington took the lead in
    doing many things for the new country. For example he was the first
    to the lead the army; he was the first president.
    ➶ George Washington is often described as “fi rst in war, fi rst in peace,
    and fi rst in the heart of his countrymen.” Why do you think he is
    described in that way?

Sentence Frames:
Who was the first president of
the United States?

George Washington is known
as the “Father of Our Country”

George Washington... , so he
is known as the “Father of Our

  1. After hearing today’s read-aloud and questions and answers, do
    you have any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to
    allow for individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other
    resources to answer these remaining questions.]

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