112 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 6 | The Grasshopper and the Ants
At a Glance Exercise Materials Minutes
Introducing the Read-Aloud
What Have We Learned?
Image Cards 1, 5;
Instructional Masters 6A-1, 6A-
2; drawing tools;
Seasons Comparison Chart
Introducing “The Grasshopper
and the Ants” world map
Vocabular y Preview: Future,
pictures of various tourist
stories that include examples of
Purpose for Listening
Presenting the Read-Aloud The Grasshopper and the Ants^10
Discussing the Read-Aloud
Comprehension Questions 10
Word Work: Last
Complete Remainder of the Lesson Later in the Day
Cycle of the Seasons
Image Cards 2–5;
Instructional Master 6B-1;
scissors; glue or tape^15
Domain-Related Trade Book
Ta ke - H o m e M a t e r i a l Family Letter Instructional Masters 6B-2, 6B-3
Advance Preparation
Prepare copies of Instructional Masters 6A-1 (Autumn Chart) and 6A-2
(Autumn Image Sheet) for each student. Students can draw or cut and
paste images from their Autumn Image Sheet onto their Autumn Chart.
For Vocabulary Preview bring in several pictures of tourist attractions
(e.g., Grand Canyon, Eiffel Tower, Niagara Falls), places that your
students would be interested in visiting, as well as local destinations.
Students will talk about places they would like to visit in the future.
Gather familiar story books that include examples of personification.
Prepare a copy of Instructional Master 6B-1 for each student to complete
the Cycle of the Seasons activity.
Note to Teacher
Please continue to fill in the Class Weather Diary (Day 5).