Seasons and Weather DR | Domain Review 157
Riddles for Core Content
Ask students riddles such as the following to review core content:
- In the fable “The Grasshopper and the Ants,” you heard that I spent
my summer and autumn playing and singing instead of working. Who
am I?- the grasshopper
- In the fable “The Grasshopper and the Ants,” you heard that we
worked hard all summer and autumn and, because of our hard work,
had plenty of food for the winter. Who are we?- the ants
- I happen during the spring when it rains really, really hard and rivers
cannot hold any more water. What am I?- a flood
- I am a refreshing summer activity that cools you off. What am I?
- swimming
- Sometimes I strike tall things like trees and tall buildings. What am I?
- lightning
- You should never take shelter under me during a thunderstorm. What
am I?- a tree
- I study weather and give you my best prediction. What am I?
- a meteorologist
On Stage
Choose students to act out the characters while you read “The
Grasshopper and the Ants,” allowing students to dance while you sing or
say the grasshopper’s songs. Ask students what the moral of the story is.
Ask students if they have ever chosen to play when they were supposed
to work, and if so, what happened.