160 Seasons and Weather DA | Domain Assessment
Part II (Instructional Master DA-2)
Directions: I am going to say something about a certain season. Circle
the season I am describing on your paper. The snowflake stands for
winter, the flower stands for spring, the sun stands for summer, and the
leaf stands for autumn.
- This season has the coldest weather.
- winter
- This season has the hottest weather.
- summer
- This is the season for farmers to plant seeds.
- spring
- This is the season for farmers to harvest their crops.
- autumn
- This is the season when many people like to go sledding in the snow.
- winter
- The saying, “April showers bring May flowers,” is about this season.
- spring
- This is the season when leaves on some trees change colors and fall
off.- autumn
Part III (Instructional Master DA-3)
Directions: I am going to read some sentences to you. If the sentence is
correct, circle the smiling face. If the sentence is not correct, circle the
frowning face. I will say each sentence two times. Let’s do number one
- A meteorologist studies the weather to predict what the weather will
be like in the future.- smiling face
- All types of clouds are storm clouds.
- frowning face
- During a thunderstorm, I should hide under a tall tree.
- frowning face