Kindergarden Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 1A | What’s the Weather Like? 23


[Show students a large monthly calendar and refer to it as you talk about
month and year.]

  1. Today we looked at the twelve months on the calendar that make up
    one year.

  2. Say the word month with me three times.
    Say the word year with me three times.

  3. A month is about thirty days or four weeks long.
    A year is about 365 days or twelve months long.

  4. How many weeks are there in a month? How many months are there
    in a year?

  5. [One by one, show the months of the large monthly calendar and
    name the months of the year with students.]

Purpose for Listening

Tell students that you are going to read Annie’s first letter to them and
that their job is to listen for the different kinds of weather and for the
names of the four seasons.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Name the four seasons in cyclical order, as experienced in the United

 Characterize winter as generally the coldest season and summer as
generally the warmest season

 Describe daily weather conditions of their own locality in terms of
temperature (hot, warm, cold), cloud cover (sunny, cloudy), and
precipitation (rain, snow)

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