Kindergarden Seasons and Weather

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

68 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide 3B | Spring

 Syntactic Awareness Activity
Cause and Effect
Directions: Some things happen because of other things. We call this
cause and effect. For example, new flowers bloom because of the spring
rain. I am going to say two sentences. Your job is to connect, or put the
two sentences together using the word because to make one sentence. If
I say, “New flowers bloom,” and “There is a lot of rain in spring,” you say,
“New flowers bloom because there is a lot of rain in spring.”
Note: To make this exercise more challenging, you may choose to
change the order of the two given sentences. As needed, restate
students’ answers so that they are grammatically correct. Have students
repeat the corrected sentence.

  1. The snow melts in spring. The sun is warmer.
    The snow melts in spring because the sun is warmer.

  2. The ground thaws in spring. The days are longer and warmer.
    The ground thaws in spring because the days are warmer and longer.

  3. The nutrients come up from the soil. The farmer plows the field.
    The nutrients come up from the soil because the farmer plows the fi eld.

  4. The rivers flood. The melting snow and ice make the rivers full.
    The rivers fl ood because the melting snow and ice make the rivers

 Vocabulary Instructional Activity
Word Work: Gradually

  1. In the read-aloud you heard, “Spring arrives gradually, which means
    slowly, or bit by bit.”

  2. Say the word gradually with me three times.

  3. Gradually means slowly, or over a long period of time.
    If something happens gradually, it happens slowly.

  4. The seedling gradually grew into a tree.

  5. What are some things that happen gradually? Or, what are some
    things we do gradually? Try to use the word gradually when you tell
    about them.

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