Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide 127

Writing Strokes and Own Name Skills Cross-Reference

Writing Grip
and Strokes

Unit 2 Lessons Unit 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Point

Hold a Writing
Utensil with
a Tripod (or
Pincer) Grip and
Make Marks
on Paper (Cup,
Hump, Zigzag,
Wavy Line,
Spiral, + and X,
Loop, Cane, and

Cups with Making
Playdough; Drawing
a Vertical Cups on
Surface; Cup Practice

Humps with Making
Playdough; Drawing
Humps on a Vertical
Surface; Hump

Zigzags on Drawing
Surface; Zigzag a Vertical
Differentiating Practice;
Shapes; Tracing Shapes

Wavy Lines Drawing
on a Vertical Surface;
Wavy Line Practice;
Tracing Shapes

Spirals on Drawing
a Vertical Surface;
Practice; Spiral
Tracing Shapes

Drawing and X’s on +’s
a Vertical Surface;
+Practice and X

Drawing Loops on
a Vertical Surface;
Practice; Loop
Tracing Shapes

Drawing Canes on
a Vertical Surface;

Hooks on Drawing
a Vertical Surface;

Worksheets Tracing
Decorating PP1–PP5;
Worksheets PP9–PP12

Write Own
TracingName TracingName TracingName TracingName TracingName TracingName Edible Names
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