Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide 19

with Clapping) Teaching Materials

Guided Practice

Objective: Provide students an engaging opportunity to develop syllable
skills with decreasing support as their skills strengthen.
Working with Syllables: Say the selected words for students. Students repeat
each word while clapping along to emphasize syllables.
Application of Skills: Distribute the Silly Monster Worksheet. Remind
students Silly Monster talks by breaking words into syllables. Let them
practice Silly Monster voices with a partner before you begin. Point to
multisyllabic objects in the picture (use the associated word list as a guide)
and have students take turns or chorally use Silly Monster talk to say, “I see
[object name broken in syllables].”

Silly Monster


Objective: Allow students to practice syllable skills with high levels of
independence as they strive for mastery.
Practicing and Extending Skills with Syllables: With a partner, students can
use Silly Monster Worksheet to take turns pointing to objects for each other
to name using Silly Monster talk.

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