Kindergarden Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Kindergarten | Unit 2 Assessment and Remediation Guide 47


Who Has?

  • Have students stand in a circle.

  • Say, “Who has the name [insert student name (first and last) broken into
    syllables]?” For example: “Who has the name Me [pause] liss [pause] sa [pause]

  • When the student named identifies him/herself, the student can sit down.

  • Continue until all students are seated.

  • This game can be varied in several ways:

    • Have students sit in a circle, each holding objects from around the room
      (e.g., pencil, eraser, paper, basket, etc.). When an object is named (e.g.,
      “Who has the pen [pause] cil?”) the student holding it puts it in the middle
      of the circle, a box, a bag, etc., until all the objects are gone.

    • Instead of objects, students could each be given a picture. (Perhaps
      pictures related to current unit's content!)

    • Students could be challenged by sorting themselves, objects, or pictures
      into groups according to the number of syllables as the game proceeds.

    • Once students are comfortable with the game, they could practice
      segmenting syllables by taking turns being the one to say, “Who has
      the ?” The student with the named object gets the next turn.

  • All students can practice segmenting syllables by reversing the game

    • Say, “Who has [insert name or object said without breaking it into
      syllables]?” For example: “Who has the name Melissa Craft?”

    • All students respond by doing a selected gross or fine motor movement
      (see Methods for Indicating Syllables in a Word for suggestions) as they
      repeat the name or object broken into syllables. For example, clapping as
      they say, “Me [clap] liss [clap] sa [clap] Craft [clap].”

    • The identified student sits down.

    • Continue until all students are seated.

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