Apple Magazine - USA - Issue 476 (2020-12-11)

(Antfer) #1


In 1840s England, the acclaimed
paleontologist Mary Anning (Kate Winslet)
has fallen on hard times since the days of her
famed discoveries. However, she soon forms
a strong bond with Charlotte Murchison
(Saoirse Ronan), the wife of wealthy visitor
Roderick (James McArdle).


  1. Although the film is inspired by the story
    of the real-life friendship between British
    paleontologist Mary Anning and geologist
    Charlotte Murchison, their romance depicted
    in the film is fictionalized.

  2. Today, Anning’s actual romantic
    inclinations are unknown to historians.

  3. As Ronan’s favorite movie growing up was
    Titanic, she was delighted to play Winslet’s
    lover in a film.

  4. Ammonite was filmed in the southern
    England coastal town of Lyme Regis, where
    the real-life Mary Anning worked as a fossil
    collector in the early 19th century.

  5. In this film, Gemma Jones plays Winslet’s
    mother, having previously done so in 1995’s
    Sense and Sensibility.

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