New Scientist - USA (2019-06-15)

(Antfer) #1

32 | New Scientist | 15 June 2019

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FOR Japanese children, Godzilla
is the ultimate scary adult: fierce,
honourable, clumsy and a bit out
of control. For their grandparents,
he’s the irradiated embodiment
of wartime tragedy, a bad memory
come to life. For the rest of us,
I suppose, he’s “just” a nuclear-
powered dinosaur.
Godzilla is also a pay cheque.
Films featuring the epic creature,
almost all by the Japanese studio
Toho, have been produced since
1954, a cinematic franchise record.
The current release, Godzilla: King
of the monsters, is the 35th, and
the third to be produced entirely
within the Hollywood system.
Its human stars play the
shattered Russell family. Millie
Bobby Brown from TV hit Stranger
Things is Madison, whose brother
Andrew was killed during a 2014
kaiju (monster) attack on San
Francisco. Her dad Mark is literally
living with wolves; her mum
Emma prefers kaiju to people.
Terroristic eco-warriors are out
to awaken Godzilla’s subterranean
cousins in an effort to bring the
planet “back into balance” – and
Emma is inclined to help them.

Newsreel images of ruined San
Francisco make her point: in five
short years it has turned to jungle,
accelerated by ionising radiation
spilling from Godzilla’s insides.
Why do movies, stretching back
to the giant ants of Them!, assume
that excess radiation promotes
growth? The evidence has always
pointed the other way. Ionising

radiation weakens and breaks up
DNA, damaging cells enough to
kill them, or cause them to mutate
in ways that, somehow or other,
lead to the grave. In humans,
epidemiological studies show
that even low doses of radiation
increase the risk of cancer.
Still, human nature being what
it is, whenever a new kind of ray
is detected, we speculate about
its magical properties. Radium, a
radioactive metal, was discovered
by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898,

Beast from the east Godzilla, Japan’s enduring big screen monster, is back.

Simon Ings runs his Geiger counter over a creature shaped by hopes and

fears in the nuclear age

“ For some, Godzilla
is the irradiated
embodiment of
wartime tragedy, a
living bad memory”

Simon Ings is a novelist and
science writer and a culture
editor at New Scientist.
Follow him on Instagram

Godzilla: King of
the monsters
Dir. Michael Dougherty

Simon also

The 1954 original Godzilla
inspired Steven Spielberg to
make monster movies.

The 2018 movie, directed by
Alex Garland, replaces Earth's
biome with something
creepily extraterrestrial.

and though it eventually killed
her, it still found its way into the
food chain thanks to products like
Hippman-Blach bakery’s Radium
Bread (made with radium-laced
water, which was supposed to
cure everything from arthritis
to impotence to wrinkles).
Is there more to this
accelerated-growth idea than
magical thinking? “Hormesis”
is the controversial notion that
things that are dangerous in high
doses might be beneficial to
human health at lower levels.
Some lab studies have shown the
effect in action. Whether there is
radiation hormesis, however, is
a big question – and a timely one.
China’s space programme has
studied the ability of plants to
develop and thrive in conditions
of microgravity and exposure
to cosmic radiation in space.
Since 1987, 66 mutant varieties
have been cultivated through its
space-breeding efforts.
So far, so workaday: “atomic
gardening” has been around
since the 1950s, exposing plants
to radioactive sources (typically
cobalt-60) to generate mutations,
and over 2000 new varieties of
agriculturally useful plants have
been created this way.
The Chinese results, however,
are a bit weird. Plants positively
mutated during space flight have
grown faster than their irradiated
Earth-grown counterparts. Space-
bred mutations do better than
their “atomically gardened”
controls, and no one is sure why.
Is there something magical
about cosmic rays? Probably
not, though if I were Godzilla
(traditionally Earth’s first line
of defence against alien attack)
I would watch my back. ❚




Godzilla: an amphibious
dinosaur with a nuclear
reactor for a stomach

The movie column

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