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mainemaritime.edu 37

Dick Youcis, former Director of Career Services, and his
wife Deb were recently visiting John and Anne Lemasney
in Crosshaven, Ireland with their daughter Kristen and
son-in-law Kenneth Lemasney. On the morning of July
7th while enjoying a cup of coffee and the view of Roches
Point, the entrance to Cork Harbor, Dick instantly recog-
nized one vessel leaving port, the TS State of Maine; a ves-
sel he had sailed on and knew very well. He later learned
that the cadets left a positive impression with many of the
Cobh merchants and locals. It is a small world indeed!

officially in 2010, however, says

Gasper on his website, “I have been

working on vintage vehicles of all

types for 20 years. I started working

on lawn mowers as a kid, worked

my way up to an antique farm

tractor and then on to a pick-up

truck in high school. Shortly after,

my father bought a Studebaker

truck to haul the antique tractor

to shows. This got me hooked on

vintage trucks! Soon after this, I

joined the local fire department

and began working on a 1937 Ford

Sanford fire truck. That opened the

flood gates to today where I con-

tinue my passion of antique vehicle



Steve Ayigah ’06, sent this photo
from Vigor Shipyard, Portland,
Oregon. Ayigah is back row, far
right, joined by Nick Martinez
’09, (front row, far right), Nicholas
Grimaldi ’06 (front row, center)
and Lendall Alexander III ’06
(front row, far left).


There was a “heavy MMA presence”
at the May 2016 wedding of Harry
’09 and Gina Finn in August at the
Atlantic Oceanside Hotel and Event
Center. (From left to right) Patrick
Finn, future class of ’20, Nick Irish
’11, Capt. Bob Peacock ’71,
Gina Finn, Harry Finn ’09, Mark
Patryn ’09, Lincoln Roberts future
class of 2037, Isaiah Roberts ’10,
Caissie Nevala ’13, and Blake
Spiller ’09.

Capt. Skip Strong ’94 sent this
photo of MMA alumni who attend-
ed the biannual convention for the
American Pilots Association hosted
by the West Coast pilots on Maui,
Hawaii. Strong is the APA trustee
for Maine.

(From left to right) Jay Stewart
’00, Charleston, South Carolina;
Pete Whitin ’76, Maryland (Ret.);
Dave Fath ’86, Lake Charles, Lou-
isiana; P.J. Johnson ’94, Ports-
mouth, New Hampshire; Sherri
Hickman ’85, Houston, Texas;
Clarence Young ’99, Virginia;
Skip Strong ’84, Penobscot Bay,
Maine; Annie Dundon ’84; Rick
Wesley ’76, Savannah, Georgia;
and Tad Whitin ’98, Maryland;
Missing from photo: Dan Whyte
’86, Pascagoula, Mississippi.

Taken in Philadelphia Shipyard
this photo shows MMA graduates
serving aboard the MV Louisiana,
a brand new 180-meter tanker for
Crowley that transports petroleum
products from Louisiana refineries
throughout Gulf cities, Ft. Lau-
derdale and Jacksonville. (Left to
right) Evan Park ’04, Scott Payne
’07, Mike Stutevoss ’06, Kevin
Cameron ’90, Scott Davis ’99,
and Carl Gushee ’73.

MV Louisiana MMA Alums

Class Notes

MARINERS: MARINERS: stay in touch

Share what you are doing with fellow alumni. Tell us about your
job, significant events in your life, your latest achievements.
Photos welcome. Include your class year and contact information.

SEND TO: [email protected]

Are you interested in having your story featured on the MMA
website? Get started by submitting an Alumni Profile online.

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