56 Development Office | Pleasant Street | Castine, Maine 04420 | 207-326-2223 | mainemaritime.edu 57
Maine Maritime Academy Annual Giving Report July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 Maine Maritime Academy Annual Giving Report July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016
We apologize if we have left your name off this list or if you have been listed incorrectly. Please notify the Development Office at 207-326-2223 of any errors.
Corrections will be listed in the next issue of the MARINER. Please note, Class Year is determined by the graduation date on official MMA transcripts.
Mr. & Mrs. G. Raymond Mansfield,
Jr. ’49
Mr. & Mrs. Chester T. Manuel ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Norman K. Marchant ’60
Mr. Clinton R. Marcus ’10
Mariner Underwater Solutions Corp
Maritime Institute of Technology &
Graduate Studies
Mr. Ronald A. Marquis ’55
Mr. Richard E. Marriner ’50
Capt. & Mrs. Christopher M.
Marzolf ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Matteini
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah J. McCarthy ’47
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McCarthy ’57
Mr. & Ms. Craig McClellan
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan McGinty
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard W. McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse G. McIntire ’03
Ms. Lydia McIntire
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. McIntire
Mr. Edwin W. McIntosh ’93
Mr. & Mrs. Brian McKenna
Ms. Janice E. McKenna
Mr. Benjamin P. McKenney ’00
Ms. Barbara A. McManus
Capt. & Mrs. Kevin J. Meagher ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Roland A. Melcher ’85
Capt. & Mrs. David W. Melin ’84
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Mellen ’90
Capt. & Mrs. Christopher P.
Mercer ’88
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Merchant ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Miller ’58
Capt. & Mrs. George R. Miller, Jr. ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Minchak ’80
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald L. Mitchell ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Mitchell ’82
MMA Alumni Association Southern
Moana Marine, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Shane A. Moeykens ’87
Ms. Mary D. Molello
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Molke, Jr. ’53
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Moody ’68
Mr. Michael J. Moreland ’07
Mr. Benjamin B. Morgan ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Morris ’54
Mr. & Mrs. George Morrow
Mr. Paul E. Morrow ’08
Ms. Olive C. Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Munsey ’57
Capt. & Mrs. James B. Murray ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Murray ’97
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Myer
Mr. & Mrs. Russell D. Myers ’58
Capt. & Mrs. Wayne E. Nason ’70
Nelson & Small, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald O. Nelson
Ms. Sarah R. Newick
Mr. Peter M. Newton ’66
Mr. & Mrs. George Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Nichols III
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Nielsen ’71
Mr. Peter R. Nixon ’55
Capt. & Mrs. Louis L. Normand, Jr.
Ms. Jane E. Norris
Norway Savings Bank
Mr. Travis R. Norwood ’14
Mr. & Mrs. William Scott
Nottingham ’75
Mr. John L. Nowinski ’86
Mr. William S. Oliver ’66 & Ms.
Mary K. Brennan
Mr. John S. O’Malley ’06
Capt. Mark O’Malley
Mr. Paul B. Ostberg ’82
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Oughton ’64
Capt. & Mrs. Francis X. Owens ’66
Mr. Edwin S. Palmer ’69
Ms. Sue Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Parrott
Mr. Kurt D. Passon ’75
Mr. & Mrs. R. Michael Payton ’85
Mr. Kevin D. Pearl ’96
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Pellegrino
Mr. & Mrs. Linwood A. Pendexter
Mr. David W. Perkins ’85
Mr. Elmer W. Perkins, Jr. ’45
Capt. & Mrs. Ronald S. Perry ’01
Ms. Colleen A. Peters ’05
Phil Cohen Productions
Mrs. Tamra T. Pierce ’91 & Mr. Ron
Lt. Cdr. & Mrs. Winslow S. Pillsbury
Miss Elizabeth E. Pingree ’15
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Platt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Potter ’04
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Powers ’75
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Presby ’06
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pulkkinen ’79
Ms. Katie L. Pushard ’11
Mr. Roger A. Putnam
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Pyne ’83
R V Taylor Consulting
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Raleigh
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Raleigh
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Rausch ’53
Mr. & Mrs. Neil D. Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Raynes ’65
Mrs. Barbara Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Reilly, Jr. ’68
Capt. & Mrs. Richard S. Reinhardsen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Reinke ’71
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Rendall, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Reny ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Galen M. Richards ’09
Ms. Avens E. Ridgeway
Lt. Steven M. Riedel ’94
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Roach ’65
Mr. Johnathan B. Robichaud ’04 &
Mrs. Ivy J. Robichaud ’05
Capt. & Mrs. Mark H. Robinson ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Robinson ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Robitaille
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Rodrigue ’77
Mr. Eric A. Romelczyk ’08
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Romelczyk
Ms. Allison Romeo
Cmdr. & Mrs. Edward G. Rosenberg
Lt. Katherine M. Rovinski ’11
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rovinski
Mr. Arinjit Roy ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Roy ’78
Mr. Douglas J. Russell ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Rutherford ’93
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sabatini ’05
Mr. Eric M Sabean
Mr. & Mrs. Alden W. Sachs ’83
Pastor & Mrs. J. Michael Sanborn ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Sarnacki ’79
Mr. Terry E. Savage ’05
Mr. & Mrs. Michael X. Savasuk ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Myron R. Sawyer ’51
Mr. & Mrs. George L. Schatz
Mr. Jeremy M. Schisler ’07
Mr. Rodney L. Scribner ’56
Mr. & Mrs. Walter K. Seman ’58
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Sharp ’98
Capt. Joshua M. Shaw ’12
Ms. Marcia Shrout
Capt. & Mrs. Michael J. Siepert ’85
Mr. Ryan T. Sirois ’08
Capt. & Mrs. Mark G. Sladen ’73
Mr. D. Bradford Sleeper ’53
Mr. & Mrs. Adam P. Small ’99
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Small
Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Smith ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas S. Smith ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Smith ’87
Mr. Jeffrey J. Smith ’92
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Smith ’74
Mrs. Sandra Hale Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ted C. Smith ’89
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Snedden III
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Snow ’76
Capt. & Mrs. Ronald W. Snyder ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Somerville
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Soule ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Willis M. Spear, Jr.
Spinnerstown Shuttle
Ms. Alice Spruance Talbot
Mr. & Mrs. W. Halsey Spruance
St. Croix Valley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Renny A. Stackpole
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Standley ’66
Mr. Thomas E. Staples ’76
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Stearns ’70
Capt. & Mrs. Edward J. Stegle III ’72
Steve’s Auto Body & Repair
Cdr. & Mrs. Henry P. Stewart ’92
Mrs. Nancy Strisik
Capt. Prentice Strong ’84 & Ms. Ann
M. Dundon ’84
Mr. Warren W. Strout ’43-2
Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Sturdivant ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Brian T. Sullivan ’66
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Sullivan ’77
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Sullivan ’61
Mr. Mark Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Suppes ’78
Capt. Heather A. Swan ’08
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell A. Sykes ’91
Mr. Daniel R. Tanguay ’15
Ms. Micaela M. Tanguay
Mr. & Mrs. James Z. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Taylor ’86
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Tebbetts III
Mr. & Mrs. F. Alan Thompson ’55
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Joe F. Thompson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Thompson
Capt. & Mrs. Michael J. Tolley ’93
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Toppi ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore R. Tracy ’56
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Truman ’51
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Tuell ’85
Mr. Keith R. Turcotte ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick K. Turgeon ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob A. Turgeon ’02
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Turlo ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Unobskey
Mr. & Mrs. Peter David Vaillancourt
Mr. Marc J. Veilleux ’07
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Viel ’93
Ms. Marcia Ann Vitalli-Mogan
Mr. Paul L. Vitelli
Capt. & Mrs. David J. Wade ’67
Commodore & Mrs. Laurence V.
Wade ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Wadman ’74
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wakelin ’76
Dr. Robert S. Walker
Mr. Roger B. Walters ’65
Mr. Cullen A. Ward ’10
Mr. & Mrs. Eric P. Ward ’87
Capt. & Mrs. Peter Ward
Mr. & Mrs. James V. Weast ’67
Capt. Kent S. Webber ’60
Mr. Harry B. Webster ’72
Mr. & Mrs. Bradford S. Wellmann
Lt. Cdr. David C. Wentworth ’61
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Wescott
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Weymouth
Mr. & Mrs. Adam C. Wheeler ’94
Mr. Jeffrey H. Wheeler ’94
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan G. Whitaker ’64
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. White
Ms. Marie White
RDML & Mrs. Mark R. Whitney ’84
Capt. & Mrs. Eric D. Wilcox ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Williams ’52
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Williamson
Mr. Mark Withers
Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Wonderlich
Capt. & Mrs. David A. Wood ’67
Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Woodcock ’88
Capt. & Mrs. John D. Worth
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Wright, Sr. ’73
Capt. & Mrs. Russell G. Wuestefeld
Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Wurschy ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Young ’66
($1- $99)
3rd Millennium Express
Acadia Maritime Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Adduci
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Akin ’61
Ms. Allison Albright & Ms. Emily
Ms. Joan T. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Scott F. Allen
Mr. Charles M. Alpert
Ms. Tracie Anair
Ms. Rosemary Anderson
Ms. Cindy Holmes Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel R.
Andrews-Zike ’05
Mr. George J. Androsiglio ’56
Mr. James J. Annicelli ’89
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Archibald ’66
Mr. Alexander R. Armstrong ’07
Dr. Andrew C. Armstrong & Dr.
Nancy M. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Armstrong
Mr. Richard S. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen N. Atkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Atwood
Mrs. Jennifer L. Audette ’92 & Mr.
Cale Audette
Mr. Gary G. Bagley
Ms. Dina I. Bahloul ’16
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Bailargeon
Mr. Walter J. Bailey ’16
Mr. Charles T. Baird ’85
Mr. William M. Baker ’16
Mr. Robert J. Balzer
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan M. Bancewicz ’01
Mr. George P. Barnes ’09
Mr. & Mrs. Lyndon D. Barron ’70
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Barstow ’57
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. Constantino Basile
Mr. Peter Bauer
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bavor