Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

attacker rolls percentile dice on Table 7-9: Critical
Hit Result on page 244. The result of the dice roll
indicates which Critical Hit is applied.

Some weapons and talents modify this Critical Hit
roll, potentially making a Critical Hit more or less ef-
fective. In addition, the attacker can spend the Crit
Rating cost multiple times on a single hit, adding + 10
to the result for each additional Critical Hit beyond
the first. Note, that talents and qualities that specifi-
cally affect Critical Injuries do not effect Critical Hits
(so the Vicious quality, for example, would have no
effect on a ship or vehicle).


linen using starships and vehicles in combat,
Wra GM can still use the rules for minions to
streamline and speed up encounters. With single-
pilot vehicles such as speeder bikes, airspeeders,
or starfighters, this process if very similar. Simply
combine two to four of the same vehicles (and
piloted by the same minion NPC) into a single
minion group. This group of vehicles operates
as a single entity, which can narratively be de-
scribed as flying in formation, or at least a loose-
ly clustered mob. Just as with minion groups of
NPCs, starship or vehicle minion groups attack
once as a group (upgrading the skill check if their
"group only" skills allow this), and take damage
as a group. They all select the same maneuvers
and move to roughly the same locations as well.
Larger capital ships or heavy vehicles are gener-
ally never treated as minions—nobody wants to
have to fight a minion group of two to four Star
Destroyers, after all. However, they can have
minion groups operating within them. A capital
ship with multiple weapons should have their
weapons operated by minion gunners, and gen-
erally has multiple weapons of the same type
firing in the same arc. A GM can group multiple
weapons of the same type and with the same
firing arc on the same vehicle or ship and have
them fire as a single minion group. This means
all the weapons fire as one at the same target,
upgrading their check if the minion gunners
have Gunnery as a group skill. This speeds up
the turn of capital ships (since they generally
have a great deal of guns to fire), and represents
the ability of capital ships to hit other vessels
through sheer volume of fire.

Remember, however, when using minion groups
on a single capital ship or vehicle, the vehicle is
still what takes damage, not the minion group.


Like personal combat, starship and vehicle combat uti-
lizes broad and abstract range measurements referred
to as planetary scale range bands. Planetary scale range
bands follow the same rules as regular range bands
found on page 208. The only difference is that plan-
etary scale range bands operate on a much larger scale.

As stated on page 209, close range on planetary
scale picks up where personal scale leaves off. How-
ever, the scale is so much bigger that a single person
could never use maneuvers to move next to a target
that's "close" to him on a planetary scale—the dis-
tance may be up to several kilometers and take an
hour of walking to cover. Further range bands on a
planetary scale would be even more extreme.

This isn't to say that ships and vehicles (especially
smaller vehicles such as landspeeders), can't operate in
standard range bands. Any ship or vehicle able to move
could cover the distance measured by standard range
bands quickly, and individuals would measure their
range to a vehicle or ship using standard range bands.
However, because ships and vehicles can cover those
distances so quickly, it makes little sense for them to
measure distances in such (relatively) small increments.
This goes doubly true for starfighters and airspeeders,
which can cover kilometers of distance in seconds.

Therefore, vehicles and starships use a second set
of range bands, referred to as planetary scale range
bands. As mentioned previously, the shortest range
band in planetary scale ("close range") encapsulates all
range bands in personal scale. This means a ship or ve-
hicle able to move to a point within close range is also
covering the equivalent of all five range bands worth
of distance in personal scale. This also means even the
shortest range starship and vehicle weapons have the
range of the largest personal scale ranged weapons.
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