Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

money, and time—the latter two usually in abundance.
Proper facilities have enough tools, light, parts, and
workspace to make the repairs to the vehicle. This could
be anything from an orbital space station or groundside
spaceport (in the case of a starship), or simply a well-
stocked garage (in the case of a walker or landspeeder).
Once a ship is in a slip or dry dock for repairs,
each point of hull trauma restored costs roughly 500
credits. This cost is highly variable, however, and can
fluctuate dramatically based on the Player Charac-
ters' reputation, the overall damage to the ship, the
scarcity of parts, or countless other factors. The final
cost for repairs, like many other aspects of EDGE OF
THE EMPIRE, is left to the Came Master's discretion.
The time required is also variable, and is left to the
Came Master's discretion. A good rule of thumb is
that light damage (up to a quarter of a ship's total hull
threshold) should take an amount of time measured
in days, while any damage over that takes weeks or
even months to repair depending on the severity of
the damage.


If it proves imprudent
or impossible to get to a
proper maintenance facil-
ity, the CM might choose to
allow the PCs to repair their
vehicle using scavenged
parts and their own ingenu-
ity. However, these repairs
should be somewhat inferior
to the real thing, hard to per-
form (requiring several Ha/d
or Daunting Mechanics check's)
and time-consuming. In short,
they should be an arduous plot
point for the PCs to overcome, not
a cheapskate way to avoid gettin
work done at proper facilities.

Component Description
Support Droid Typically an astromech. the droid is knocked out of commissionCharacter, it immediately suffers 10 strain. until it can be repaired. If this droid is a Player

Ejection System Thedepending on the severity of the Critical Hit. pilot and/or crew are unable to escape the ship in an emergency until this system resets or is repaired,
Weapon System One weapon system of the attacker's choice is knocked offline.


Sensor range is reduced by one range band. If the ship's sensors are already close range, they are knocked
offline completely and the ship is effectively blind until the sensors are rebooted or repaired, depending on the
severity of the Critical Hit.
Comms The comms are knocked offline and the ship can neither send nor receive any electronic signals or data
Sublight Engines The engines are slightly damaged and the ship's speed is reduced by one point.
Hyperdrive Either the hyperdrive or navicomputer are damaged, and the ship cannot make the jump to hyperspace.
Shields The ship's defense is reduced by one point in all defense zones.

Component Description

Landing Gear

The ship's landing gear is stuck. Any attempt to land a ship that cannot deploy its landing gear results in two
points of hull trauma and two points of system strain. This only applies to ships of silhouette 5; anything larger is
unable to enter a planet's atmosphere.
Weapon System One weapon system of the attacker's choice is knocked offline.
Sensors Sensor range is reduced by one range band.
Comms The comms are knocked offline and the ship can neither send nor receive any electronic signals or data.
Sublight Engines The engines are slightly damaged and the ship's speed is reduced by one point.
Hyperdrive The hyperdrive is damaged, and the ship cannot make the jump to hyperspace.
Shields The ship's defense is reduced by one point in all defense zones.

Landing Bay

One of the vessel's landing bays is knocked out of commission. The severity of the damage is ultimately left to the Game
Master's discretion, and could result in anything from a temporary inability to launch or recover ships from this bay, to a
failure of the docking bay shield and a total decompression of the entire compartment.

Cargo Hold The ship is hulled and one of the cargo holds is exposed to vacuum. Cargo may be damaged or lost, and anyone in the cargo hold takes damage according to the Game Master's discretion.


The bridge is damaged. No starship maneuvers or starship actions may be executed aboard the ship until the
damage is repaired. In addition, the ship continues on its course at its current speed, and cannot be stopped or
its course changed until the damage is fixed.

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