Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

Small civilian airspeeders are commonly used for plea-
sure or sport, or transporting cargo and passengers.
Civilian models such as these are rarely armed or ar-
mored. This profile represents a generic airspeeder.

Vehicle Type/Model: Airspeeder/Civilian.
Manufacturer: Various manufacturers.
Maximum Altitude: 300 kilometers.
Sensor Range: Short.
Crew: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 10-30.
Passenger Capacity: 1 -6
Cost/Rarity: 10,000 credits/3.
Customization Hard Points: 1
Weapons: None.


The first high-atmospheric airspeeder to be classified
as a cloud car, the Storm IV was built by Bespin Motors
for use by Cloud City's Bespin Wing Guard. Designed as
a fast patrol and interdiction craft, the Storm IV is a
sturdy, reliable airspeeder composed of two single-oc-
cupant armored pods joined by a central spar. The
port side pod holds the pilot and is equipped with a
number of sophisticated sensors and an advanced
navigation system. The starboard pod holds the craft's
gunner along with the targeting and fire-control com-
puters. While the Storm IV can't leave the atmosphere,
each pod is pressurized and provides oxygen for high
altitude flights. While they are typically used in patrol
and interdiction roles, they can also be used in more
martial roles to give air support to law enforcement.


Beloved of hot-rodders, daredevils, and law enforce-
ment agencies throughout the galaxy, Incom's T-16 sky-
hopper is as fun as it is dangerous. A tiny, fragile craft
with a pyramidal hull and three airfoils arranged in a tri-
angular formation, the skyhopper is fast, nimble, and
incredibly demanding of its pilots. Equipped with a pres-
surized, one-person cockpit and powered by redoubt-
able E-l 6/x ion engines, the T-16 is capable of both as-
tonishing straight-line speed and aerial agility from low
altitude to the limits of the atmosphere. Built primarily
for pleasure and sport flying, armed and lightly armored
skyhoppers are used by many law enforcement agen-
cies and paramilitary forces around the galaxy for re-
connaissance and patrol. Some even serve as trainers
for starfighter pilots, as the control layout and perfor-
mance share features with starfighters like the Z-95
Headhunter and the new T-65 X-wing.

Vehicle Type/Model: Air Speeder/T-1 6 skyhopper.
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation.
Maximum Altitude: 300 kilometers.
Sensor Range: Short.
Crew: One pilot.
Encumbrance Capacity: 1 2
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cost/Rarity: 7,500 credits/2.
Customization Hard Points: 3
Weapons: None.

Vehicle Type/Model: Cloud Car/Storm IV.
Manufacturer: Bespin Motors.
Maximum Altitude: 100 kilometers.
Sensor Range: Short.
Crew: One pilot, one gunner.
Encumbrance Capacity: 8.
Passenger Capacity: 0.
Cost/Rarity: 30,000 credits/5.
Customization Hard Points: 2
Weapons: Forward Mounted Light
Blaster Cannons (Fire Arc Forward;
Damage 4; Critical 4; Range [Close];
Linked 1).


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