Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1


ny form of rapid or violent change in the gal-
axy creates a disturbance in the Force. While
death causes the greatest ripples, anything from
the birth of a child to galactic cataclysms can trig-
ger these tremors to ripple through the Force like
a Shockwave. Force users feel these disturbances
as a sense of uneasiness or discomfort that sud-
denly takes hold of them. Though this feeling
varies in intensity, no disturbance should be dis-
missed lightly. They are each a sign of a transfor-
mation occurring in the galaxy. It is also through
sensing these disturbances that a Force user is
capable of detecting when he is in the presence
of other Force-sensitive objects and beings.

number of range bands equal to the number of Range
upgrades purchased. The Force user may activate this
multiple times, increasing the range by this number each
time. However, remember the Force user must still spend
Force points to activate the power's actual effects.

Magnitude Upgrade: Spend O to increase the num-
ber of targets affected equal to the number of Magni-
tude upgrades purchased. The Force user may activate
this multiple times, increasing the number of targets by
this number each time. However, remember the Force
user must still spend Force points to activate the pow-
er's actual effects.

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