Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1



That's good. You have taken your first step into a larger world."
-Obi-Wan Kenobi

llelcome to the first step in becoming an EDGE OF
WITHE EMPIRE Game Master. While running a role-
playing game can be challenging, it is also rewarding
in ways different from those associated with playing
individual characters. This chapter walks new Game
Masters through the information needed to become
an accomplished and entertaining Star Wars GM.
Novice and experienced GMs alike should find use-
ful information and advice for running this game from
both a storytelling and mechanical point of view.
The Game Master has many responsibilities
when running a successful game session. The GM
creates the overall storyline for the adventure. He
interacts constantly with the players, describing
the details their characters need to understand
to enjoy the game. The GM plays the part of ev-
eryone the characters meet, and describes every-
where they go. He must think on his feet, and be
ready to improvise with characters and changing
situations on the fly. The GM must interpret the
game rules and be ready to apply them in a fair
and consistent manner.

This sounds like a lot, but fortunately, a GM need not
be perfect in every respect, especially when first starting
out. Running a roleplaying game for friends doesn't have
to be like refereeing a sports event. The GM should want
to adjudicate the rules and run the best game possible,
but it is more important that everyone has a good time.
When the GM hits an unexpected situation or needs a
ruling on a game mechanic, making a quick judgement
call and assessing the results later is perfectly acceptable.
The GM's primary goal is to create an entertain-
ing and memorable game in which everyone has fun.
There are numerous ways to achieve this end, and
there can be many challenges along the way. GM and
player cooperation creates the best environment for
an entertaining game. Great ideas from any of the
participants should not be overlooked.
This chapter delves into specific methods for GMs
to run and plan their games. It provides guidance in
preparing and running the first game session, using
published adventures, creating new stories, and de-
veloping a full-fledged campaign. It includes adven-
ture creation guidelines and mechanical advice for
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