Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

The Vagrant has one other problem. Currently its
main hyperdrive is broken, leaving it with its backup hy-
perdrive and sublight drives only. Bandin has been lax
about getting it repaired, since most of his agents come
to him. This laziness could prove to be a problem now.


The cavern the ship rests in is a flat expanse of exposed
rock. The pressure curtain generator is tucked into one
side of the cavern, and there is an arc light array on ei-
ther side. Some of the crew have set up simple chairs
and tables "outdoors" as well, although none are there
currently. A pair of binary load lifter droids stomp back
and forth, picking up some simple cargo and supplies,
and shuffling it around. They ignore the PCs completely.

There are also three cargo pods, each with two con-
tainers of glitterstim. Each container is rigged for smug-
gling; they look like innocuous foodstuff containers and
are rigged to destroy the contents if opened incorrectly.
The job, however, was sloppy. Anyone who inspects
one of the pods should make an Easy [4)) Perception
check. If he succeeds, he notices the pod is rigged. Dis-
arming the device takes an Average {4} 4)) Mechanics
check, with failure meaning the contents ignite.


The cockpit of the vessel includes seating for the pilot
and co-pilot. The ventral-mounted twin laser cannon
can be operated from the co-pilot's position.


Basic but functional kitchen facilities are positioned to
one side, with a rather unhygienic-looking shower and
lavatory to the other. A vending machine in the galley
produces fairly decent cups of hot caf.

The five cabins are small and spare, consisting of a
bunk, chest, and dresser. The pirates mostly trust Ban-
din Dobah with things like money and equipment, so
the only items to be found in these rooms are personal
things such as spare clothes and mementos of home.
The first mate's cabin is occupied by one of the Aqual-
ish crew members, who became first mate by dint of his
long service rather than any real skill. Dobah takes the
captain's cabin. The cabin's desk has 530 credits inside.


The common room contains a long table on which
meals are served and conferences held. There is also
a rather nice dejarik table in one corner, though if it
is turned on, the projected image is so blurred and
flickering as to be virtually unplayable.

This area of the craft serves as the armory. Unless
picked up by the crew, there are three blaster carbines
here, as well as spare parts and power sources for the
weapons. A pair of shock gloves and a hefty iron blud-
geon (count as a Gaffi Stick) are also stored here.

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