Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1



Ability dice '0
Accelerate/Decelerate (vehicle maneuver) 232
Accurate (quality)^154
Action VI Bulk Transport 260
actions 203
Activating a Force Power (action) 203
Additional Ship and Vehicle Actions (vehicle actions) .... 234
advanced targeting array 269
Advantage (results) 12,23
adverse environment gear 169
Agility (characteristic) 15
Aim (maneuver) 201
airspeeders 247
Alliance to Restore the Republic 371
Ambition (Motivation) 95
ammunition reloads 181
Anatomy Lessons (talent) 132
Angle Deflector Shields (vehicle maneuver) 233
antiquated battle droid 410
apprentice hunter 399
Aqualish thug 391
Aratech 74-Z Military Speeder Bike 250
armor 168,226
characteristics 168
armor attachments 194
armored clothing 169
Armor Master (Improved) (talent) 132
Armor Master (talent) 132
arms dealer 391
arrogant heir 408
assassin droid 410
Assassin (specialization) 57, 59
Assist (maneuver) 201
Astrogation (skill) 104
astromech droid ....410
AT-EST Exploration and Survey Walker 253
Athletics (skill) 105
augmented spin barrel 188
auto blasters 228
Auto-Fire (quality) 155
avabush spice ' 83
Average check 17,18

backpack 180
Bacta Specialist (talent) 132
Bad Motivator (talent) 132
balanced hilt 188
Balance (talent) 152
Barabel enforcer 392
Barrage (talent) 132
base of operations 312
Bespin 356
binders 178. 179
bipod mount 188
Black Market Contacts (talent) 1 32
Black Sun 374
Black Sun vigo 406
blaster actuating module 188
blaster cannons 228

blaster pistol '61
blaster rifle/carbine 162.163
Blast (quality) 155
Blooded (talent) 132
Bodyguard (specialization) 75. 77
Body Guard (talent) 1 32
bola/net ' 64
Boost dice^10
booster blue ' 84
Bothan Space 354
Bothan (species) 43
Bounty Hunter (career) 56
Bounty Hunters Guild 380
bowcaster 162, 163
bowcaster accelerator enhancement 189
bowcaster Automatic re-cocker 189
Brace (talent) 132
brass knuckles 166
Brawl (skill) 120
Brawn (characteristic) 16
Breach (quality)^155
Brilliant Evasion (talent) 132
Burn (quality) 155
Bypass Security (talent) 133

capital ships 266
captive rancor 415
career 53
Cause (Motivation) 96
Centrality 354
Challenge dice II
characteristic '5
improving characteristics 92
Charm (skill) 105
check 10
assisted 25
competitive 25
opposed 24
Citadel-class Light Freighter 260
climbing gear '80
CloakShape Fighter 254
Codebreaker (talent) ' 33
Coercion (skill) '06
Colonies 335
Colonist (career) 62
combat knife '66
combat modifiers 210
comlink 171
Command (talent) 133
comm jammer 178.179
comm operator 397
comm scrambler ' 78
Computers (skill) 107
concussion missiles and grenades 229
Concussive (quality) ' 55
Confidence (talent) ' 33
Contraption (talent) ' 33
Convincing Demeanor (talent) ' 33
Cool (skill) '08
Coordination (skill) '09

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