Star Wars_ Edge of the Empire Rule Book

(Jeff_L) #1

lesai m
Lethal Blows (talent)^158
Let's Ride (talent)^158
light blaster pistol^161
light repeating blaster 162, 163

Natural Pilot (talent) 1 39
Natural Programmer (talent) 139
Natural Rogue (talent) '^59
Natural Scholar (talent) 139
Natural Tinkerer (talent) 1 39
Nebulon-B Escort Frigate 268
..ght side (results) 14 negative dice
Limited Ammo (quality)^156
Linked (quality)^156
loan shark 393
long (range) 209
Luxury 3000 Space Yacht 2o2

negative results^13
Negotiation (skill) '^13
nemeses 390
Nobody's Fool (talent) ' 39

macrobinoculars 175
maintenance droid 411
Manage Gear (maneuver) 202
Mandalorian Space 354
maneuvers 200
Marauder-class Assault Corvette 267
Marauder (specialization) 75, 78
marksman barrel^190
Master Doctor (talent) 1 38
master hunter 400
Master Merchant (talent) 138
Master of Shadows (talent) 138
Master Pilot (talent) •^138
Master Slicer (talent) 1 39
Master Starhopper (talent) 1 39
Mechanic (specialization) 87,89
Mechanics (skill)^111
medical droid^411
Medicine (skill) JJ2
medium (range) 209
medpac 1^77
melee attacks^205
Melee (skill) J 21
Mental Fortress (talent) 1 39
Mercenary Soldier (specialization) 75, 79
Mid Rim 341
mid-sized dianoga 415
military starfighter pilot 405
minions 389
missile tube 164. 1g 5
Mobquet Flare-S Swoop 250
Moff 366
Mon Calamari mechanic 398
mono-molecular edge^190
Motivations 94, 311
Mount or Dismount (maneuver) 202
Move (Force power) 283
Move (maneuver) 202
multi-optic sight 191
mynock 413

Nal Hutta 360
narrative play 9. 1^97
Natural Brawler (talent) 139
Natural Charmer (talent) 139
Natural Doctor (talent) 1 39
Natural Enforcer (talent) 1 39
Natural Hunter (talent) 139
Natural Marksman (talent) 139
Natural Negotiator (talent) 139
Natural Outdoorsman (talent) 139

Obligation 29, 38
in play 41
type 39
optical camouflage system 195
optional rules 322
Ord Mantell 361
Outdoorsman (talent) 141
Outer Rim Territories 343
Outlaw tech data breaker 186
Outlaw tech flesh camouflage set 186
Outlaw tech personal stealth field 186
OutlawTech (specialization) 87, 90
Overwhelm Emotions (talent) 141

padded armor ' 68, 169
passive check 322
patrol boats 254
Perception (skill) 1^14
Performing a Combat Check (action) 204
Performing A Skill Check (action) 204
Performing Combat Checks with Vehicle Weapons (vehicle ac-
tions) 234
Perlemian Trade Route
personal deflector shield 170
Personnel Carrier 252
philanthropic senator 408
Pierce (quality)^157
Piloting (Planetary) (skill) '' 5
Piloting (Space) (skill) 116
Pilot (specialization) 81, 83
pirate captain 394
pirate crew 393
planetary defense force trooper 405
planetary governor 405
planetary scale range bands 238
Plausible Deniability (talent) 141
Player Characters^8
backgrounds 36
generation 33
Point Blank (talent)^141
Politico (specialization) 63, 66
positive dice 9, 10
positive results 12
Precise Aim (talent) 141
Preparation (maneuver) 203
Prepare (quality) ' 57
Presence (characteristic) '6
Pressure Point (talent) ' 41
Proficiency dice 10
prone 203
prosthetic replacements '75
protocol droid 412
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