Grade 2 Read-Aloud

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 6 | Westward on the Oregon Trail 123

 Interpret information presented, and then ask questions to clarify
information in “Westward on the Oregon Trail” (SL.2.3)
 Prior to listening to “Westward on the Oregon Trail,” identify
what they know and have learned about settlers moving
westward and the forced relocation of the Cherokee
 Rehearse and perform poems, stories, and plays for an audience
using eye contact, appropriate volume, and clear enunciation

Core Vocabulary

hardships, n. Diffi cult conditions or situations that cause discomfort and/
or suffering
Example: The Pilgrims endured many hardships as they traveled on the
Mayfl ower.
Variation(s): hardship
ruts, n. Grooves worn into soft ground
Example: After the heavy rain, the wheels of the truck made deep ruts in
the mud.
Variation(s): rut
scout, n. A person sent ahead of a group of travelers to gather
information about what is in front of them
Example: The scout rode ahead of Lewis and Clark to search for a way
down the mountain.
Variation(s): scouts
steep, adj. Having a very sharp slope
Example: Bryan spent months preparing for his steep climb up the
Andes Mountains in Peru.
Variation(s): steeper, steepest
territory, n. A specifi c section of land that belongs to a country but is not
offi cially part of that country
Example: Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from
Variation(s): territories
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