Westward Expansion: Supplemental Guide 8 | Working on the Transcontinental Railroad 167
Exercise Materials Details
Transportation Brainstorm Transpor tation Brainstorm Poster;
Transportation Image Sheet
Revisit the poster and add train/
locomotive if it is not already there.
Westward Expansion Map Westward Expansion Map, yellow
marker or crayon; large U.S. map,
yellow sticker dots
Mark the Transcontinental Railroad using
yellow sticker dots (or a yellow marker) on
a large U.S. map. Have students locate
and color the Transcontinental Railroad
yellow on their individual map.
Westward Expansion Timeline Image Card 12 (Transcontinental
Railroad); Westward Expansion
Timeline; Timeline Image Sheet
Have students add the Transcontinental
Railroad to their individual Timelines.
Song: “I’ve Been Working on
the Railroad”
Instructional Master 8B-1;
Recording, “I’ve Been Working on
the Railroad”
Westward Expansion Quilt Instructional Master 8B-2
Advance Preparation
Make a copy of Instructional Master 8A-1 for each student. Refer
to it as Response Card 5 for this domain. It shows images related
to the Transcontinental Railroad. Students may refer to the images
on the response card as you introduce and discuss the content of
the lesson.
Find a recording of “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” in
advance. See the Recommended Resources list at the front of this
guide for suggestions.