Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Insects: Supplemental Guide PP | Pausing Point 93

 Describe how some insects look like miniature versions of adults
when they are born from eggs
 Explain why some insects molt
 Describe how some insects go through four distinct stages of
development, including egg, larva, pupa, and adult
 Distinguish between social and solitary insects
 Describe how all members of a social insect colony come from
one queen
 Describe the roles of honeybee workers, drones, and queens
 Describe how honeybees communicate with one another
through “dances”

Student Performance Task Assessment

 Parts of an Insect (Instructional Master PP-1)
Look at this drawing of an insect. Using the word bank provided,
label fi ve parts of an insect: the abdomen, antenna, head, leg, and
Note: Allow for any of the following modifi cations as needed: read
the answer choices aloud to the student; have student point to the
body part as s/he tells you its name; ask student to point to each
body part as you name it.


Image Review
Show the Flip Book images from any read-aloud again, and have
students retell information from the read-aloud using the images.

Image Card Review
Materials: Image Cards 1–13
In your hand, hold Image Cards 1–13 fanned out like a deck of
cards. Ask a student to choose a card but to not show it to anyone
else in the class. The student must then perform an action or give
a clue about the picture s/he is holding. For example, for a card
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