Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

120 Insects: Supplemental Guide 6 | Insects That Glow and Sing

Advance Preparation
Make a copy of Instructional Master 6B-1 for each student. This
will be the sixth page of their Insects Journal. Students will draw
and write about fi refl ies, grasshoppers, and/or crickets.
Find a video or audio recording of one of the insects from the
Make a copy of Instructional Master 6B-2 for each student.
Students will draft the fi ve sentences of their Insect Story on this
Notes to Teacher
The read-aloud presents several different types of insects: fi refl y,
grasshopper, katydid, cricket, and cicada. You may wish to
pause and review after information about each insect has been
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