Grade 2 - Read-Aloud Insets

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Insects: Supplemental Guide 181






fl y; has wings; fl

ies; likes to

land on food

(questions will vary)

hairs on feet act like suction cups; larva stage is a maggot; goes through complete metamorphosis

grasshopper; has long legs; jumps

(questions will vary)

feeds on alfalfa plant; is a pest; sings; each type of grasshopper has a different song; communicates by rubbing wings together

ant; is small; live in large groups

(questions will vary)

social insect; lives in colonies; builds tunnels and chambers; goes through complete metamorphosis; has a queen

caterpillar; has many legs; eats leaves

(questions will vary)

larva stage of complete metamorphosis of a butterfl


beetle; has a hard shell; has antennae

(questions will vary)

larva stage is a grub; goes through complete metamorphosis; largest group of insects; has armor and elytra

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