82 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 4B | Little Miss Muffet
I am going to ask you a question. I will give you one minute to think about
the question. Then I will ask you to turn to your partner to discuss the
question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share what you discussed
with your partner.
Sentence Frames
Would you be scared if a spider
sat beside you? (Yes/No)
I would... if a spider sat down
beside me.
If I were eating and a spider sat
down beside me, I would . . .
- Evaluative Think Pair Share: What would you do if you were eating and
a spider came along and sat down beside you?- Answers may vary.
- After hearing today’s poems and questions and answers, do you have
any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to allow for
individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other resources
to answer these remaining questions.]
Word Work: Frightened
- In the nursery rhyme you heard, “Along came a spider/Who sat down
beside her/And frightened Miss Muffet away.” - Say the word frightened with me three times.
- If something frightened you, it scared you.
- You might be frightened by a large animal or a loud noise.
- Have you ever been frightened? Try to use the word frightened when
you tell about it.
[Ask two or three students. If necessary, guide and/or rephrase the
students’ responses: “I was frightened when.. .”] - What’s the word we’ve been talking about?
Use a Making Choices activity for follow-up. Directions: I am going to
describe some things. If you think what I describe would scare you, say,
“I would be frightened.” If you think what I describe would not scare you,
say, “I would not be frightened.”- Answers may vary for all.
- A spider sits down beside you.
- A dog barks at you.
- Your mom gives you a hug.
- You hear a strange noise in the hallway.
- You go to your best friend’s house for dinner.