Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 5A | One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 95
Second Read with Motions
Note: As you read, sweep under images with your finger, calling out
the print concepts left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
Show image 5B-1: Actions for 1–6
One, two,
[Hold up one and two using fingers.]
Buckle my shoe;
[Say to students, “Buckle means to fasten together; sometimes it will make a
clicking sound.” Pretend to buckle a shoe.]
Three, four,
[Hold up three and four using fingers.]
Shut the door;
[Pretend to shut the door.]
Five, six,
[Hold up five and six using fingers.]
Pick up sticks;
[Pretend to pick up sticks.]
Show image 5B-2: Actions for 7–10
Seven, eight,
[Hold up seven and eight using fingers.]
Lay them straight;
[Draw a straight line in the air.]
Nine, ten,
[Hold up nine and ten using fingers.]
A big fat hen.
[Pretend to hold a big, heavy item.]