Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 8A | Little Bo Peep 151
Discussing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes
Comprehension Questions
Encourage students to answer in complete sentences. Model answers
using complete sentences.
- Literal What is the title of this poem?
- The title of this poem is “Little Bo Peep.”
- Literal Who is the character in this nursery rhyme?
[Have students point to Bo Peep on Response Card 15.]- Bo Peep is the character in this nursery rhyme.
- Inferential What is Little Bo Peep doing?
- Little Bo Peep is looking for her sheep.
- Inferential Is Little Bo Peep happy or sad? Why?
- Little Bo Peep is sad because she cannot find her sheep.
- Inferential What does Bo Peep need to do so that the sheep will come
back?- Bo Peep needs to leave the sheep alone.
- Evaluative Which words rhymes in this poem?
- Peep and sheep rhyme.
[Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students, as
necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]
I am going to ask you a question. I will give you one minute to think about
the question. Then I will ask you to turn to your partner to discuss the
question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share what you discussed
with your partner.
- Peep and sheep rhyme.
Sentence Frames
Will the sheep come back to Bo
Peep? (Yes/No)
I think the sheep will...
I think the sheep will...
- Evaluative Think Pair Share: Do you think the sheep will come home?
- Answers may vary.