Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 8B | Little Boy Blue 153
Introducing the Read-Aloud 10 minutes
Introducing “Little Boy Blue”
Show image 8B-1: Little Boy Blue sleeping by haystack
- Tell students, “Describe what you see in this picture to your partner.”
Call on two partner pairs to share their descriptions. - Tell students that the next nursery rhyme they are going to hear is
called “Little Boy Blue.” - Ask students, “Who can guess the name of the character in this
nursery rhyme?”- Boy Blue
- Ask students: “Do you think he is doing his job well? Why or why
not?” Call on two students to answer. - Give students Response Card 16 (Little Boy Blue) from Instructional
Master 8A-1. Have them point to the character in this poem—Boy
Blue. Point to each item in the picture and have students find it on
their Response Card: meadow, corn, haystack. Tell them to use this
Response Card to refer to “Little Boy Blue.”
Vocabular y Preview
- In today’s poem you will hear that Little Boy Blue is under the
haystack. - Say the word under with me three times.
- Under means below or beneath.
- Candis likes to sit under the big umbrella at the beach.
- Using the objects around you, show what under looks like to your
LLittle Boy Blueittle Boy Blue