Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 10A | The Lion and the Mouse 185
- Literal What happens after the lion lets the mouse free?
- The lion gets caught in a hunter’s net.
- Literal How does the mouse help the lion?
- The mouse helps the lion by gnawing the ropes of the net to make a hole
big enough for the lion to get free.
- The mouse helps the lion by gnawing the ropes of the net to make a hole
- Evaluative Is this story real or make-believe? What do the lion and
mouse do that real animals cannot do?- This story is make-believe because animals do not talk.
- Literal What is the moral of this fable?
- “Little friends may be great friends.”
- Inferential Who learns this moral?
- The lion learns this moral.
Why is the mouse a great friend? - The mouse kept its promise and helps the lion escape.
[Please continue to model the Think Pair Share process for students, as
necessary, and scaffold students in their use of the process.]
I am going to ask you a question. I will give you one minute to think about
the question. Then I will ask you to turn to your partner to discuss the
question. Finally, I will call on several of you to share what you discussed
with your partner.
- The lion learns this moral.
Sentence Frames
Can a smaller or younger friend
help you? (Yes/No)
One time....
A smaller/younger friend helped
me when...
- Evaluative Think Pair Share: Can you think of a time when a younger
or smaller friend helped you? Or can you think of a time you helped
someone who was older or bigger? - After hearing today’s fable and questions and answers, do you have
any remaining questions? [If time permits, you may wish to allow for
individual, group, or class research of the text and/or other resources
to answer these remaining questions.]
Word Work: Disturbed
- In the fable you heard, “The lion was very angry at being disturbed.”
- Say the word disturbed with me three times.
- If something disturbed you, it bothered you.
- The loud music disturbed Kato’s nap.
- Tell about something that has disturbed you. Try to use the word
disturbed when you tell about it.