220 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide CA | Culminating Activites
Note to Teacher
Please use this final day to address class results of the Domain
Assessment. Based on the results of the Domain Assessment and
students’ Tens scores, you may wish to use this class time to provide
remediation opportunities that target specific areas of weakness for
individual students, small groups, or the whole class.
Alternatively, you may choose to use this class time to extend or
enrich students’ experience with domain knowledge. A number of
enrichment activities are provided below in order to provide students with
opportunities to enliven their experiences with domain concepts.
You may choose to regroup students according to particular area of
weakness, as indicated from Domain Assessment results and students’
Te n s s c o re s.
Remediation opportunities include:
- targeting Review Activities
- revisiting lesson Extensions
- rereading and discussing select read-alouds
Presentation of Nursery Rhymes and Fables
from Around the World
Materials: Different nursery rhymes and fables from your students’
home language and culture; voice recorder (optional)
Have students present a nursery rhyme or fable from their home language.
If students are too shy to present in front of the class, you can help them to
record their presentation and play it for the class at a later time.
Alternatively, you may chose to say the nursery rhyme or fable and have
students say the familiar parts with you.