38 Nursery Rhymes and Fables: Supplemental Guide 2A | Rain, Rain, Go Away
Presenting the Read-Aloud 5 minutes
Rain, Rain, Go Away
First Read
Show image 2A-1: Johnny looking out window at rain
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again some other day.
Little Johnny wants to play,
Rain, rain, go away.
Second Read with Motions
Show image 2A-1: Johnny looking out window at rain
Rain, rain, go away,
[Say to students, “Away means not here. When you want something to go away,
you want it to leave.” Move fingers around like raindrops coming down and
wave bye-bye.]
Come again some other day.
[Use motions like you are signaling someone to come over.]
Little Johnny wants to play,
[Draw a ‘J’ in the air.]
Rain, rain, go away.
[Move fingers around like raindrops coming down and wave bye-bye.]